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in Cryptocurrency by

I know Bitcoin since many years. But I have always been against it as I thought it was risky, “coming from nothing”, based on thin air and backed by nothing. Sounds ironic, because it is in fact more the monetary system than the Bitcoin. My argument was that “well at least it is backed by the Central Banks”. True.

But it took years until I realized how flawed that reasoning was. Long story short: I finally bought my first 50€ of Bitcoin in the last dip (I know it’s nothing, but you have to start somewhere!) and I can assure you they won’t be the last. I’m finally into crypto, I made it!

Ideology and blindness can cost you a lot. I learned this lesson very well, and I also consider myself lucky, better not to gain a shitton of money instead of learning the same lesson by losing everything.

Hope this could help someone out here to do the same. Today’s ATH will be tomorrow’s fire sale. But not for us, because we will HODL

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