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in Cryptocurrency by

I’ve been thinking a lot about the current state of Bitcoin and its adoption, especially when it comes to how we measure its value. Right now, we still define the purchasing power of BTC in terms of dollars. For example, we say something like "this coffee costs 25 SATs" because it equals a certain amount of dollars.

But what would it take for us to shift away from pricing things in dollars and start valuing goods and services directly in SATs (or BTC) without any reference to fiat currencies? Imagine a world where a coffee costs 25 SATs because it’s worth 25 SATs, not because that converts to 5 dollars or any other currency.

Is it a matter of mass adoption? Or do we need to see Bitcoin become less volatile first? Would it require a shift in mindset, or maybe the creation of a Bitcoin-based economy where fiat is irrelevant?

Would love to hear your thoughts on what the key factors are that could push us toward this kind of future.

HODL on!

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