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On 21st May 2024, /u/MommaBear, one of the 2 administrators of SuperMarket, announced that all the market's wallets have been drained.

MommaBear's statement about the situation:

At approximately 02:31 UTC on Tuesday May 21 2024, I discovered that both the cold storage escrow and joint-pocket (commission) wallets were completely empty. Both wallets had sent funds to a the same address that I do not recognise. As soon as I made this discovery, I went through and changed all of our server's access keys to mitigate any further damage. After doing so I reached out to dread staff to notify them of the situation.

MommaBear claims that co-administrator, /u/FatherBear, was the only other person that had access to the wallets, and believes the market was not compromised, rather his co-administrator has stolen the funds:

/u/FatherBear is the only other person that had access to these wallets and at this time I have no reason to believe they are compromised. At this time I can confidently say /u/FatherBear is in possession of all market funds. It is my belief that they got spooked with the news surrounding Pharoh and decided to take the funds and run.

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